"Read The Room" Parenting Challenge [SAVE YOUR SPOT! ENROLLING NOW!]

Feel Like Asking Your Kids To Do Something Always Starts A Fight?

 In Just 5 Lessons I'll Show You How To


Just By Changing How You Read Your Kids' Behavior!

(Even if You're Burned Out or Overwhelmed!)

Starts In:

5Days 08Hours: 38Minutes: 00Seconds


​5-Day Virtual "Read The Room" Parenting Challenge


Plan on dedicating 20 minutes daily to this challenge, next Monday through Friday


Get your family on board with simple questioning & communication techniques!

Here’s What You’ll Learn Each Day Of The

Read the Room

Parenting Challenge!


The Secrets In Body Language

From tone of voice to recognizing other signs, today we'll show you what to look for to determine if your discipline approach is effective. 

​You'll be learning...

  • Your Kids Aren't Doing It On Purpose: The four things affecting their behavior and how to solve it. ​
  • Warning Signs: How to know when your strategy isn't working and you need to try something else.


The Most Important Conversation

We, as parents, assume so much about our kids' behavior - and we're often wrong. But how do you find out what your kids are really thinking?

​You'll be learning...

  • Parenting Quick-Win: The ONE thing you can start doing right now to improve EVERY interaction with your kids. 
  • Drill-Down Secrets: A crucial step that most parents speed-through.
  • Secret Sauce: How to be 97% sure you know the real issue affecting your kids.


What To Ask

Ever get stuck on exactly what to say to your kids so they won't respond with an "I dunno" or get annoyed with you? Today, we go deep into two types of questions you can use.

​You'll be learning...

  • Repeat And Say Again: How to mirror what your child says in the manner that will get the best reaction.
  • Why This And Not That: The most effective questioning strategy to help you dig deeper into the issue.


What Happens When You Can't Solve It

Does your child get upset at the mere mention of a problem? Does it seem as if there is never a "right" time to talk about it? This will help you get around that.

​You'll be learning...

  • The Process Conversation: What many parents are reluctant to talk about that often brings the biggest wins
  • Setting Your Own Boundaries: How to know you're about to lose your cool and how to work around that.​


After You "Read The Room"

Figuring out what's behind your child's reaction is the first major step in gaining more cooperation at home - what happens after is just as important.

​You'll be learning...

  • Processing What You Want: How to state your feelings in a way so your child (or partner) is most likely to listen.
  • Problem Solving Together: The secret to creating a solution that isn't 100% reliant on you to follow-up on.

We Start Soon!

Are You Ready To Finally Get More Cooperation In Your Home?

In just 5 days, you'll be able to read your kids' behaviors and know EXACTLY what to say to get to the real issues, faster.